/New EU Quantum Flagship consortium launches a project on silicon spin qubits as a platform for large scale quantum computing

Press release

New EU Quantum Flagship consortium launches a project on silicon spin qubits as a platform for large scale quantum computing

The partners have already realized many of the key advances in the field of silicon quantum. Imec’s has reported a 300mm platform for flexible spin qubit fabrication, which was recently highlighted at IEEE 2020 IEDM, and has developed a multi-physics modeling framework. This framework enables understanding qubit behavior and guides device design (Moving Quantum Computing from Lab to Fab | imec (imec-int.com)). The QLSI consortium will take these foundations to the next level with the demonstration of a 16-qubit chip at the end of the project.

Imec brings its flexible qubit platform in QLSI and works on improving single qubit performance and on designing and fabricating qubit arrays. Imec’s modeling capabilities are leveraged in developing design rules for large quantum systems and towards architecture definition.