November 4, 2021 | Webinar on demand
In this webinar, we showcase how CMOS processing can help build the next exciting phase in the human genomics journey with new capabilities for diagnosis, therapy and follow-up. It will bring value to the different steps in the genomics workflow, from sample preparation, to sequencing and data analysis.
We demonstrate how millions of sensors, microwells and miniature reactors can be post-processed on top of a CMOS wafer and can be combined with analogue front-ends, logic and memory functions. We show why a semiconductor toolset is very powerful to realize this and which toolsets and processes we typically use for that, we zoom in on the advantages of smart precision microfluidics and how this is implemented on a chip; on the advantages and challenges of photonics on a CMOS chip and on how advanced CMOS devices such as transistors and nanopore devices can be directly used for biosensing.
Simone Severi received the M.S. degree in microelectronic engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2001 and the Ph. D degree from the University of Leuven, KU Leuven, in 2006. During his Ph.D he worked on ultimate device scaling, innovative channel engineering and processing for future CMOS devices technologies. In 2007, he joined imec and started working on Microsystems for mass data storage devices, on poly-SiGe surface micromachining technology and CMOS integrated biosensors. In 2009 he became team leader of the specialty component group at imec, with specific focus on MEMS and Bio-Photonics sensors. In 2016 he became group leader for lifescience process technology. Currently he is Department director for Technology Integration and Prototyping. His current responsibilities cover all aspect of technology exploration and process development toward manufacturing for various lifescience customers and products.
This webinar is part of entire series, click here for more information.