Green IC industry white paper

The green transition of the IC industry

The semiconductor industry is known for setting and reaching ambitious targets because all players work together, guided by a shared roadmap.

Such an ecosystem-wide collaboration is also needed to achieve a truly sustainable IC manufacturing process. One that cracks down on carbon emissions and other negative environmental impacts such as high water consumption.

A growing number of key players in the IC industry have committed to this green transition. And with its Sustainable Semiconductor Technology and Systems (SSTS) R&D program, imec plays its role as the research hub at the center of this knowledge network.

Want to catch up with this trend toward a more sustainable IC industry? Then this white paper is for you. It explains:

  • Why the environmental impact of IC manufacturing requires strong and continuous focus.
  • Why we will only be able to tackle this through a holistic approach.
  • How the road to a green IC industry could look.

Who should read this white paper?

  • Anyone involved in IC manufacturing: system and fabless companies, foundries, IDMs, tool and material suppliers
  • Anyone passionate about a greener IC industry: policymakers, academics, ...

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